Meeting Agendas Articles

This May Not Be For You, But if You Want to Build Collaboration . . .

Is it easy for you to build collaboration, commitment, and participation in meetings? Then feel free to walk away from this article. If, however, you’re like most people, leading groups and teams...

5 Highly Effective Words for Business Meetings: Warning, Proceed With Caution!

Research conducted by professor Cynthia Rudin of M.I.T. and student Been Kim, on highly effective words for business meetings, found that the words yeah, give, start, and meeting have a larger...

How to Lead Online Meetings: No Hiding and Practical Tips

Research consistently reports that the three biggest, challenges of leading online meetings are: Technology challenges Distractions (keeping participants engaged) Participant buy-in and hiding...

Don’t Blame Meeting Failure on Your Online Meeting Technology

Whether you use Zoom, Teams, WebEx, GoToMeeting, or another online meeting technology, don’t blame the failure of your online meetings on technology. Why? Because you need to know what to do before...


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