452A Professional Facilitation Certification - Final Two Days

(Final 2 days of In-Person Professional Facilitation Training)

This registration form is for MG RUSH Facilitation Fundamental Alumni who wish to complete their Professional Facilitator Certification by attending the final two days of our 452 Professional Facilitation Training. The cost is $1000 and does not include your hotel.

If you wish (or meant) to attend our full 5-day Professional Facilitation Training, please click HERE to register.
Or enter self-employed if applicable
Students are responsible for their own Hotel and Transportation. Lunch will be served. Details and class location will be emailed to you once registration is complete.
Checking Stripe will allow you to pay here. Checking PayPal will take you to the PayPal site when you click Register Now. Or, if you check Invoice Me and click Register Now, we will email you (or the Responsible Party) an invoice.
Please provide the name, email address and phone of the person responsible for payment (Who to send invoice to). If you, then leave this section blank.