301 Facilitation Fundamentals In-Person Registration

If seeking a government, non-profit, or group discount, choose Invoice Me and provide details in comment section.

Or enter self-employed if applicable
For example, please let us know if this address does not accept deliveries on weekends.
Students are responsible for their own Hotel and Transportation. Lunch will be served. Details and class location will be emailed to you once registration is complete.
Choose NO if you are seeking a government, non-profit, or group discount, then choose Invoice Me under payment options and note discount applying for under comments. (If using another discount, please select NO here.)
Checking Stripe will allow you to pay here. Checking PayPal will take you to the PayPal site when you click Register Now. Or, if you check Invoice Me and click Register Now, we will email you (or the Responsible Party) an invoice.
Please provide the name, email address and phone of the person responsible for payment (Who to send invoice to). If you, then leave this section blank.